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Information and training for EndNote software for research staff at Northern NSW Local Health District

How do I get EndNote?

The Northern New South Wales Local Health District has purchased an EndNote site licence for staff.

If you require EndNote for your research, study or work at Northern NSW LHD here is the procedure to obtain it. Your usage must be work related.

  1. Complete the EndNote Licence Form on the Library Intranet site. 
  2. You will receive an approval via email from the Nursing Research Academic.
  3. Log a job with SARA. Please follow the instructions in the PDF below when filling out the SARA request. Make a note of the incident number and your computer name. 
  4. Email the Desktop Services Manager Dean Smith , saying that the request has been submitted to SARA, making sure that you include the incident number and computer name. This will alert the local desktop team and expedite the process.
  5. The software will then be remotely added to your computer, and will appear in the Software Centre.
  6. Download the installation file and install it to your computer as per the instructions in the installation PDF below.

Our librarians based at Lismore Base Hospital can offer training and support for use of EndNote. It is highly recommended that you contact them at this email address  . Currently, training will be offered via Skype to ensure social distancing. The information on this guide contains all of the information you need for basic use of the software, but you may wish to have a personal introduction to get started.


Can I get EndNote on my home computer?

If you have already installed EndNote X9 on your work computer, you can also apply to get a copy installed on your home computer for work-related purposes. You will need to apply to obtain the Product Key to do this.

Here is how to do that:

  1. Email the Library at
  2. You will receive a return email requesting that you undertake to use EndNote for work-related purposes only on your personal computer, and to not share the product key with anyone else. Reply to the email agreeing to that undertaking.
  3. You will be sent the Product Key.
  4. Download the EndNote X9.2 installation file from the Clarivate website  (PC or Macintosh are available). If you are asked to upgrade to EndNote X9.3 DO NOT do so as this version has a different file structure from the one installed at work.
  5. Follow the prompts on your computer, ensuring that you agree to the terms of use.
  6. Enter the Product Key when the EndNote screen prompts you.

Once the installation process is complete, information on how to sync your two computers can be found here

Please refer any questions you have about the syncing process to the Library staff in the first instance.